The Embody Your Business Women’s Day Retreat in Lisbon, Portugal

The Embody Your Business Women’s
Day Retreat in Lisbon, Portugal

Nestled in the neighborhood of Graca between two magical miradouros in Lisbon, The Embody Your Business Women’s Day Retreat offers a loving sanctuary for women who seek to intuitively grow their business through both the spiritual and practical while being surrounded by badass women who are here to step into their power and inspire the world by running a heart-led business.

The Embody Your Business Women’s Day Retreat is about the intersection of spiritual and business. The retreat will begin with a palo santo cleanse and welcome circle where you will receive a business-inspired goodie bag followed by a warming shaking meditation and accessible yoga class with nourishing head massages and essential oil-infused towels to gently drift away into a blissful Savasana. After class, you will be led through a Manifestation and Move workshop where you will learn how to connect movement to your dreams so that you can actively create the business of your dreams.

Following our morning activities, we will walk down the street to dine at the glorious local restaurant, Rendez Vous, for a Portuguese Italian infusion Brunch. After our bellies are full and our hearts nourished from community connections over food, we will head back to the studio and dive deep into business!

Get ready for a life-transformative afternoon where you will learn how to build the foundations of your business, create a service or product, and sell it with my STFU and Sell Sales Methodology that has kept businesses open and workshops, retreats, yoga teacher trainings, and classes sold out for dozens of businesses worldwide.

You will also be taught how to step into your power and lead because as business owners who just happen to be women, we know that leadership over anything else is what opens doors, creates lifelong connections, and keeps the money flowing into our bank accounts so that we can continue building the queendoms we were put on this Earth to thrive in.

After an exciting afternoon of business education, service creation, and sales methodology, you will have the option to receive an Astrology reading of your birth chart. Then we will gently close the day with a Sound Healing to Yin Yoga class with head massages, cozy pillows, and soft fluffy blankets so that you can experience the practice of rest.

What’s Included

- Shaking Meditation with Brytta

- Dream Flow Yoga Class with Brytta

- Manifest and Move Masterclass with Caitie

- Nourishing brunch at Rendez Vous in Alfama

- Sales and Business Mastermind where you will learn how to build the foundations of your business and sell out your offerings with Brytta

- Email Newsletter and Website Copy workshop with Brytta

- Yin Yoga Sound Bath Immersion with Brytta + Ana

-Magic Mastery Goodie Bag and Online Entrepreneur Library with ten years worth of business lessons to help you step into your business and lead!

- Water, Tea, Coffee, and yummy snacks throughout the day

- Astrology Readings for you or your business with Martina (optional add-on)

-Business Headshot with Isabella
(optional add-on)

-Business 1X1 with Brytta
(optional add-on)

Who is the
retreat for?

This retreat is for women who are seriously dreaming about running their own business or growing the current one they have.

- To build the foundations of your business
-To set up a sales structure that works so you can make an actual living to support yourself and your dreams
-To learn how to set up systems to save you time
- To overcome the real fears of asking for the sale
so that you can get the dream clients
- To be spiritually supported through proven practices that connect you to your intuition, reset your nervous system, and provide you with a foundational structure of well-being
-To step into your power and LEAD like the CEO you dream of becoming

If you have struggled with one, some, or all of the above then The Embody Your Business Women’s Day Retreat is absolutely for you. Spend the day connecting with your sisterhood, building the business of your dreams, and impacting the world by being what you love which is a leader of the world!

The Brunch

We will be dining at Rendez Vous, one of Alfama’s most authentic and local restaurants. Rendez Vous is known for its intersection of Portuguese and Italian cuisine with its nourishing and life-transformative food.

What we love about Rendez Vous (besides the incredible meals) is their support for local artists and fashion designers. As we sit down and enjoy a meal together, you will have the chance to shop locally because Rendez Vous displays art, jewelry, and fashion by artists and designers around Portugal.

As business owners in Portugal (and beyond) we know the importance of supporting our community and can’t wait to share this dining experience with you!

Brunch Inclusions:
Tapas to share, main plate, dessert, juices, coffee, and water.

Booking Options

Є267 Day Retreat Early Bird
5 Early Bird Spots Available Until August 30th
Doors open to additional guests for Є297 starting August 31st

Astrology Reading with Martina
20 Minute Reading for Є25

Business Consultation 1X1 with Brytta
1 Hour Session for Є97

Your Rockstar Hosts

Brytta Moreira

Yoga Studio Owner, Retreat Host, Business Consultant,
Sales Expert, and 200-RYT YACEP Yoga Teacher

Hey lovelies!
I am Brytta Moreira, the founder and owner, of The Yoga Hostel where I teach Accessible and Trauma-Informed Yoga to everyday people with a magical miradouro view of Lisbon.

I have traveled to all parts of the globe teaching Yoga and Business for the past ten years in 19 countries. My adventures include teaching Trauma Informed Yoga in Refugee Camps in Greece, Managing YogaWorks studios in the US, teaching SUP Yoga and Managing, and Event Coordinating for studios in Chicago, and teaching yoga for festivals, retreats, hotels, hostels, studios, and gyms worldwide.

Fun Facts:

  • I am a Taurus Sun, Scorpio Moon, Virgo Rising,
    and Taylor Swift Expert.

  • Dancing, Bhakti Yoga, and SUP Yoga are my love languages.

  • When I am not on my yoga mat, I’m exploring Portugal with a Pastel de Nata in hand or on a dance floor until the sun rises.

  • My favorite things are sparkly manicures, secret waterfalls, dancing in all the places, Autumn sunsets, sequencing yoga classes, time with family, and writing poetry.

Caitie Corradino

Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, eating disorder recovery coach, body image expert, Certified Personal Trainer, Registered Yoga Teacher, and breathwork facilitator.

Hi, I'm Caitie! Retreats have been such an integral part of my personal healing and growth, and I am so excited to create a community and retreat container that is informed by flexible, sustainable wellness.

I combine nutrition counseling with movement and a powerful toolkit of somatic healing modalities to help women heal from binge eating, yo-yo dieting, food anxiety, eating disorders, disordered eating, body dysmorphia, GI issues, and more. I have been providing 1:1 and group counseling services at my practice, Full Soul Nutrition, for over 5 years. And I have been teaching group fitness and yoga for over 10 years. And now, I love to bring my method on retreats!

Fun Facts:

  • I am a full-time nomad! I’m currently parked in Lisbon, Portugal, where I have a digital nomad visa. I’ll be here for at least the next few months!

  • I am a genuinely extroverted person. I'm truly energized by connecting with people.

  • While I no longer dance "formally," I'm a forever dancer - I love taking dance classes, dance fitness classes, and multiple daily kitchen dance breaks.

  • A few of my favorite things are: coffee, sunrises, playlists for every mood, candles, Ted Lasso, truffle fries, dogs, bathtubs, my friends, the moon, journaling, and being a Scorpio.

Martina Anguelova


Martina is a practicing Astrologer, Family Yoga Teacher, and Holistic Practitioner who shares ancient gifts tailored for modern life with the intention of offering clarity, comfort, and validation to those courageous to receive.

She dances with the Western Tropical Zodiac, consistently flirting with Vedic techniques and marrying the practical with the woo-woo, like the good Pisces-Virgo-Cancer mix she is.

Readings with her take you on journeys between the past and the future whilst staying anchored in the present and YOUR experience of it.

Ana C Jones

Holographic Sound Healer

Ana is a passionate and dedicated practitioner of holographic sound healing -- a transformative modality that harnesses the power of sound and vibration to promote deep healing and well-being. With a rich background in personal development and holistic practices, she has helped countless individuals tap into their inner wisdom and call back their power.

Through the use of resonant frequencies and multidimensional soundscapes, Ana creates a unique sound experience that allows clients to access their subconscious, release heaviness, and reach a state of profound relaxation and integration. Committed to fostering a supportive and nurturing environment, she empowers individuals to connect with their true selves and embrace a journey of self-discovery and never ending self-compassion.

Client Love


  • This retreat is for women who are Entrepreneurs, business owners, company owners, freelancers, and/or who are interested in learning how to become future business owners.

  • As this is a day retreat, we are having a beautiful bountiful brunch together at Rendez Vous in Alfama. There will also be water, tea, coffee, and yummy snacks available throughout the day. Please let us know upon booking if you have food allegies.

  • This retreat is for retreat guests only so families can stay home or enjoy a day out in Lisbon.

  • This is a day retreat so no overnight needed. If you are traveling from outside of Lisbon or the country and need help finding accommodation then send us an email two weeks before the retreat and we will do our best to assist you. Email: